How is Death a Good Thing?
“For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19 ESV)
If you want to kill a party, bring up the fact that everybody dies.
It is one of the most certain things that human beings can know. In a world of uncertainty and doubt, it seems like we would want to have at least one certain thing we can hold onto. But we don't.
Our culture avoids the reality of death at all costs. Families will spend thousands of dollars to prolong the life of a loved one through medicine. We are obsessed with looking younger, feeling younger, acting younger. People's number one fear is death. Death is often described as a tragedy when it happens.
If I were an alien visiting this country and observed the way we treat the idea of death. I would conclude that it is an unfortunate thing that happens to some people that is to b avoided at all cost. But that's not true. Despite our ignoring, disdain, fear, and displeasure at the thought, it is still very much so inevitable.
One of the overarching themes of the book of Ecclesiastes is the inevitability of death. It seems morbid, especially to our culture, but as Solomon ultimately concludes, death is a good thing. It is a necessary thing and an integral part of the human experience. So why is the Bible so positive about death and the culture so negative?
1. Death helps us maintain perspective - If it wasn't for death, the trivial would become significant. Inconsequential things like fashion, recipes, entertainment, and leisure become the only things that matter. In light of the inevitability of death, we can prioritize our life. We can see that certain things are more important than others.
2. Death levels the playing field - As humans, we have a tendency to stratify and separate. We like to think that some are privileged and some are cursed and we can see some people as almost invincible and god-like. When death happens, especially to those we idolize, it reminds us that we as humans, regardless of class, race, and socio-economic background have more in common than we think. Death is the not-so-subtle reminder that our distinctions may not mean as much as we think they do. Whether we're rich or poor, ugly or beautiful, wise or foolish, we all end the same way.
3. Death compels us to live for eternal things - As Solomon concludes at the end of Ecclesiastes, the purpose of man is to glorify God. If death is inevitable, then it behooves us to live for something that goes beyond death. It compels us to leave a strong legacy with our families that point to an eternal redemption. It compels us to stop pursuing insignificant gain and live for Christ.
Is it hard for you to see death as a positive thing? How should the reality of death change the way you are living now?